new year trouble


All update done on our 24 exchange server .

I following in this order 

1. Set-MalwareFilteringServer -Identity <SERVER NAME> -BypassFiltering $false ( to rollback the workaround)

2. Enable-AntimalwareScanning.ps1 on each exchange server ( to rollback the workaround)

3. .\Reset-ScanEngineVersion.ps1 on each exchange server

4. Verify the update engine

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Forefront.Filtering.Management.Powershell


5. Wait 2-3 minutes and verify your queues 

Get-queue | ft -auto


I got 1 issue on I server where I applied the manual update


Then verify your queues to your different system and to M365 or edge server  and the event log 


Edge server was not affected by this issue


OK now relax Sunday :)

Happy new year to everybody 


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