
Сообщения за март, 2021

Repair failed installations of Exchange Cumulative and Security updates


Netsh http show sslcert

 Netsh http show sslcert

Proxmox Mail Gateway

 https://www.proxmox.com/en/proxmox-mail-gateway https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bB370Hw29es&list=PLrfBE0kzblmyxLPxbxOS1hjbXoFF9eo_9

Оаб Миграция на Exchange 2016: перенос OAB


Released: March 2021 Quarterly Exchange Updates


Importing Global Address List entries into a user’s Contacts folder

  Importing Global Address List entries into a user’s Contacts folder Steve Goodman  /  February 20, 2012 I had a fairly unusual request from one of my customers whilst performing the final stages of an Exchange migration. A while ago, the CEO wasn’t able to lookup people to contact from the Global Address List due to connectivity problems and wanted “offline” access to the GAL from his phone. The customer asked me if it would be possible for me to write a little script to effectively grab the GAL (they aren’t a massive company) and copy it into the CEO’s mailbox, into a dedicated Contacts folder, for example “OrgContacts”. Whilst certainly not a great idea for a larger company, for a few hundred users it’s not a bad idea, and in a previous post I’ve  written something very similar , so in my spare time put together the following script… What it does: Connects to the user mailbox using EWS as a the logged on Administrator, using impersonation. Checks if the dedicated...

get-mailbox -resultsize unlimited | Get-MailboxPermission -User ivanov | Format-Table Identity

Fixing Search/Indexing issues




Checklist for Troubleshooting Performance Related issues in Exchange 2013, 2016 and 2019 (on-prem)

 https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/exchange-team-blog/checklist-for-troubleshooting-performance-related-issues-in/ba-p/604792 Note: a major update to this post (newer links, tools etc.) was completed on 2/5/2020. Some of relatively common and difficult issues we see in support are related to client connectivity to Exchange.  There are several variations that we classify as connectivity (related to server performance or otherwise).  They can include: Clients prompting for credentials (intermittently or continuously) Clients getting disconnected Clients are unable to establish a connection Clients freezing or going unresponsive ActiveSync clients experience delays receiving new mail There are many factors that can contribute to these symptoms, and each one can lead down a completely different troubleshooting path. In this post we will focus on methods and tools to troubleshoot these. There are too many potential underlying causes to cover them all but hopefully this wi...

Восстановление рядного сервера группы доступности базы данных

 https://docs.microsoft.com/ru-ru/exchange/high-availability/disaster-recovery/recover-dag-member-servers?view=exchserver-2019 Восстановление рядового сервера из группы обеспечения доступности баз данных 10.02.2021 Чтение занимает 2 мин Если сервер почтовых ящиков, который входит в группу обеспечения доступности баз данных, не подлежит восстановлению и нуждается в замене, так как был потерян или сбоит, можно выполнить операцию восстановления сервера. Microsoft Exchange Server программы установки включает переключатель  /m:RecoverServer,  который можно использовать для выполнения операции восстановления сервера.   Запуск программы установки с переключателем  /m:RecoverServer  приводит к считычею сведений о конфигурации сервера из Active Directory для сервера с тем же именем, что и сервер, с которого запущена установка. После извлечения сведений о конфигурации сервера из Active Directory на сервере устанавливаются исходные файлы и службы Exchange, а такж...