
Сообщения за июнь, 2019

Clear Recent Contacts view and prevent repopulation in Lotus Notes 8.x

Dim db As New NotesDatabase("","names.nsf")       Dim logdb As New NotesDatabase("<server name>","ClearContactsLog.nsf")       Dim view As NotesView       Dim doc As NotesDocument       Dim doc2 As NotesDocument       Dim logdoc As NotesDocument       Dim session As New NotesSession       Dim stream As NotesStream       Dim filename As String       Dim Response As Integer       Dim dateTime As New NotesDateTime( "" )       Dim nam As NotesName       Dim ErrorMsg As String       Dim Status As String       Dim item As NotesItem             On Error Resume N...

Проверка состояния репликаций в DAG1

(Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup) | ForEach {$_.Servers | ForEach {Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus -Server $_}} (Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup) | ForEach {$_.Servers | ForEach {Test-ReplicationHealth -Server $_}}

AdminSDHolder Confusion And Admin Actions (Отклик Active Directory: 00002098: SecErr: DSID-03150E49, problem 4003 (INSUFF_ACCESS_RIGHTS), data 0)

Операция Active Directory над srv-vm-ad-10.msk.fbdddk.ru не выполнена. Данная ошибка не допускает повторения попытки. Дополнительные сведения: Insufficient access rights to perform the operation. Отклик Active Directory: 00002098: SecErr: DSID-03150E49, problem 4003 (INSUFF_ACCESS_RIGHTS), data 0 Posted April 2, 2010 I had a discussion with a friend the other day. We were chatting about AD and management tasks when he suddently complained that AD, would require more in-depth knowledge for administration and maintenance. I disagreed as – and that’s kind of my thinking about all technology topics – if you want to be on top of things, you’ll need to learn steadily – and improve your knowledge. All products have a certain amount of complexity. As a special example of how “difficult” AD really is, he mentioned “AdminSDHolder”. If you never got AdminSDHolder, yeah, I realize, that might be a diffcult chapter for AD administrators. Put simple. AdminSDHolder is just a built-in gr...

Exchange ActiveSync and Inheritable Permissions issue

https://support.microsoft.com/ru-ru/help/2579075/activesync-users-cannot-synchronize-an-eas-device-for-the-first-time-i Summary To fix this, open up Active Directory Users and Computers. Now, to be able to inspect the security settings, we first need to activate  Advanced Features  if not already set. To do this, from the  View  menu option, select  Advanced Features . Next, navigate to the user object experiencing the issue. Open up  Properties , select the  Security  tab and click  Advanced .

Обновление списков рассылки PowerShell Get-AddressList | Update-AddressList

PowerShell 1 2 3 Get-AddressList | Update-AddressList Get-GlobalAddressList | Update-GlobalAddressList Get-OfflineAddressBook | Update-OfflineAddressBook


СОКРЫТИЕ ВНУТРЕННЕГО FQDN И IP АДРЕСОВ СЕРВЕРА В ЗАГОЛОВКАХ СООБЩЕНИЙ По умолчанию сервер Exchange включает всю информацию о себе любимом в заголовок отправляемого сообщения: внутреннее доменное имя, локальный IP адрес, внешний IP адрес, внешнее имя. С точки зрения безопасности это не совсем правильно – зачем “светить” лишнее? Поэтому рекомендуется внутреннюю информацию убрать. Для этого необходимо в Exchange Management Console выполнить: 1 Get-SendConnector "Internet Email" | Remove-ADPermission -AccessRight ExtendedRight -ExtendedRights ms -Exch -Send -Headers -Routing -user "NT AUTHORITY\Anonymous Logon" Где “ Internet Mail ” – имя вашего соединителя отправки. Если в организации используется локализованная (русская) AD DS, то скрипт будет таким: 1 Get-SendConnector "Internet Email" | Remove-ADPermission -AccessRight ExtendedRight -ExtendedRights ms -Exch -Send -Headers -Routing -user "NT AUTH...